Györe Laura

Doing some sport is definitely a type of self-expression. It does not only provide you the benefits of physical health but also contributes to the balance of your mental and spiritual state of mind. My goal is to help you find the most fitting ways to build a mantainable balance between moving your body and […]

Doing some sport is definitely a type of self-expression. It does not only provide you the benefits of physical health but also contributes to the balance of your mental and spiritual state of mind. My goal is to help you find the most fitting ways to build a mantainable balance between moving your body and fully living. I do believe that with regular exercising and nourishing diet every problem can be prevented, eased, and even reversed. If you struggle with motivation, but you have a strong desire to prioritize working out, being stronger, more in shape, and more energized, do not hesitate to contact me. If you don’t know how to start your journey, let me be the one who leads you on this path. Let’s find your inner motivation and grow not only your muscles, but your self-esteem as well together. 🧡

Telefonszám: 06302056342
Insta: gyore_laura